Mission Transition Wins the Nonfiction Authors Association’s Silver Book Award
The Nonfiction Authors Association Book Award Program just awarded Mission Transition its Silver Book Award. It heaped the following praise on the book:
Very well-written and easy to follow guidebook for servicepeople leaving the military and committed to being successful in the next chapter of their lives.
“After WWII, Korea and Vietnam, it was tough for returning veterans to find civilian work, especially for those with still-healing wounds. Fortunately, in 2020, there is a guidebook to assist in segueing into civilian life. Mission Transition by Matthew J. Louis, Lieutenant Colonel (USA Retired) begins by suggesting personality tests (such as “Career Leader”) as groundwork for the transformation from military life. The book goes on to teach resume-building and emphasizes building a network of contacts on the way to job applications and interviews. Sprinkled throughout the book are short paragraphs “Troops in the Trenches” with applicable quotes from retired servicemen. Louis suggests that though a job may be a necessity upon leaving the military, taking time to search for a career for the rest of a lifetime is another choice. Mission Transition can help with that search. ”
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